Titanic, The full story of a tragedy, by Michael Davie (published 1986).
I've spotted it with several different covers over the years.
Michael Davie (sadly no longer with us) was a journalist. Maybe because of this he had checked, and researched his facts so throughly. Mr Davie interviewed some of the men who worked on the Titanic and you will find extracts from those interviews in the book.
Its not a 'coffee table' book and my copy (now getting very brown around the gills) is weather beaten and has no illustrations.
It is however, a cracking good read. No wishy stories of 'legends' or curses' but the truth and a good investigative report.
Over the years it has been in an out of print, I suspect as 2012 comes along it will be reprinted (hopefully without a lot of gaudy photos). Please look out for it.
Contributors: Morag Irving BA (OPEN)., Dip.Lit. e-mail: moragirvinguk@aol.com Tel:01733 345581 Julian Bray MCIPR NUJ Equity Tel:01733 345581