Contact Details

The most entertaining and compelling series of five lectures covering all aspects of the RMS Titanic Story. Morag Irvings, encyclopaedic technical knowledge of the intricate detail, made the wide ranging Q&A sessions, an event to remember.
Julian Brays delivery of the story was deeply moving and powerfully illustrated with pictures and documents, many not seen before. The personal stories of the passengers on board were all brilliantly researched.
We had to move them from the 400 seat Conference Centre into our 1,200 seat theatre, and repeat some of the lectures, such was the sustained demand for places, on the maiden voyage of the Independence of the Seas which retraced the RMS Titanic journey to Queenstown (COBH) Ireland. Julian and Morag were as always a professional delight to work with.
On subsequent voyages with us, when they have been asked to repeat the series, it was noted that all of the subjects had been updated, and the theatrical on-screen presentations infused with new material reflecting the actual 100th Anniversary of the sinking.
Cruise Director, Royal Caribbean

Julian Bray NUJ Equity 01733 345581
UK Tel: 01733 345581 Intl. Tel: +44 1733 345581

Monday, 30 April 2012

TITANIC TENDER: Nomadic Preservation Society

Nomadic Preservation Society

PO Box 1422



April 2012
Dear  Member,

On Wednesday 25th April 2012 the Nomadic Preservation Society held its Members meeting in the Belmont Centre Belmont Church Road, Belfast. Approximately 40 members attended and a vibrant and worthwhile meeting took place.

Unfortunately, not all members can attend these meetings due to physical distance, other duties and of course illness and infirmity. It is with this in mind that I am compiling this report to keep all informed as best at possible.
Our Chairman David Scott Beddard and a few other Committee members were unable to attend for the various reasons given above and the meeting was jointly chaired by our Treasurer Mrs Liz James and me as Membership Secretary. Miss Frances James as Secretary also attended.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

100 Years On ....

You may have been wondering why I haven’t blogged about the plethora of Titanic documentaries and dramas we have been treated too. Then again, if you are a regular reader (and thank you) you may already have guessed I am waiting until ‘it’s all over’ and we can go back to having an interesting discussion about Titanic.

Tonight on the Balmoral passengers will sit down to a last dinner on the Titanic gala meal. I do think this deserves some sort of bad taste award; it just doesn’t sit comfortably with me. I will ‘come clean’ and say Julian and I were offered several of these one off  'special' cruise lectures about Titanic, but as our forward  schedule was pretty well full, we had to decline. We look forward to will being back on board Royal Caribbean, Princess and Carnival cruise ships later this year.

Monday, 9 April 2012



After an intensive period of new research, Julian Bray and Morag Irving have updated their acclaimed series of lectures and educational presentational packages on five very different aspects of RMS Titanic. All the lectures from the previous series rolled out as a curtain raiser last year and presented to large diverse audiences on major cruise ships and in European theatres. Several thousand feedback responses have been excellent and the quality of questions at each live presentation has been challenging but all were fully answered and with astonishing technical detail!

The lectures and / or presentations are presented as podium lectures with advanced Powerpoint and audio reinforcement by experienced international broadcaster and Equity member Julian Bray, Morag Irving, research historian, optionally joins for the live and totally unscripted question and answer sessions. Depending on the location, The stage or theatrical presentation lends itself to a variety of presentational formats. Simply there is currently no other presentational series of talks on RMS Titanic (and we include recent TV and Film series) with this depth of knowledge and information on the whole event.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

TITANIC "" - Daniel Allen Butler - Rehashed?

As with lots of Titanic books, ‘Unsinkable’ has had a ‘makeover’ to tie in with the 100 year anniversary what this amounts to is an extra chapter and a mention at the start.

 If you have been reading about Titanic for a while you won’t read anything here that you haven’t read anywhere else, sadly. The writer is an American and writes with a strong US mind set. The Board of Enquiry (UK) is dismissed in favour of the Senate investigation. So huge swathes of information are lost to the reader.

The Captain Lord question is also badly researched and what could be a fascinating discussion is dismissed much too quickly. I acknowledge that shelves of books have already been written about the Californian so maybe this is the reason.

I found several errors in the book, which could be the result of shoddy research, inexcusable when just about everything is out there and freely available at the touch of a button.

Leading figures are reduced to one dimension, and given the Pantomime villain treatment.  These were living breathing people, and you really need to try and get back to 1912 and lose the benefit of hindsight which so many writers seem to struggle with.

Contributors: Morag Irving BA (OPEN)., Dip.Lit. e-mail: Tel:01733 345581 Julian Bray MCIPR NUJ Equity Tel:01733 345581 2012 Anniversary RMS Titanic Illustrated Lecture Series now available, please enquire.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

TITANIC??? Costa Concordia 21st Century Cruise Ship wreck not a new Titanic says Commentator

The loss of the Costa Concordia 21st Century cruise ship on Friday 13th really isn't another Titanic, says Julian Bray, Cruise Industry Broadcaster & Commentator and joint lecturer with Research Marine Historian Morag Irving on all aspects of the RMS Titanic sinking.

Mr Bray reminds us all that we are looking at the Titanic with eyes and experiences gained 100 years on. In its day, the coal fired RMS Titanic was state of the art but all other aspects are different. The Costa Concordia has for example a 'black box' recorder usually located at the bow and welded to the Upper deck. The death toll for RMS Titanic was substantial most caused by drowning in the freezing water and just a few wooden life boats were available.

The Master and the First Officer of the Costa Concordia have both been arrested and allegations of causing a shipwreck, causing multiple homicides and abandoning his ship (allegedly at 9:30pm on Friday) thus leaving whilst his passengers were still on board, will be put to them.   

Contributors: Morag Irving BA (OPEN)., Dip.Lit. e-mail: Tel:01733 345581 Julian Bray MCIPR NUJ Equity Tel:01733 345581       2012 Anniversary RMS Titanic Illustrated Lecture Series now available, please enquire.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Titanics reborn tender Nomadic - Time to renew

Nomadic on Christmas day!

If you are a member of the Nomadic Preservation Society its that time of the year - time to renew your subscription. Subscriptions are due on 1st January every year. As its such an exciting time for Nomadic I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss out! How lovely to see her in the photo (above) with a funnel. So much wonderful work is going on in Belfast. You can see just from the small photograph those beautiful lines, and how she is coming back to life. If you are not a member I really urge you to join, as you are missing out. If you are at all  interested in Titanic (and as you are reading this, its  a good chance you are) Nomadic is the last surviving White Star Line Ship. Nomadic was Titanic's first class tender and was built with all the other ships at Harland & Wolff, where she is today.

Contributors: Morag Irving BA (OPEN)., Dip.Lit. e-mail: Tel:01733 345581 Julian Bray MCIPR NUJ Equity Tel:01733 345581 2012 Anniversary RMS Titanic Illustrated Lecture Series now available, please enquire.