Nomadic Preservation
Wednesday 25th April 2012 the Nomadic Preservation Society held its
Members meeting in the Belmont Centre Belmont Church Road, Belfast.
Approximately 40 members attended and a vibrant and worthwhile meeting took
not all members can attend these meetings due to physical distance, other
duties and of course illness and infirmity. It is with this in mind that I am
compiling this report to keep all informed as best at possible.
Chairman David Scott Beddard and a few other Committee members were unable to
attend for the various reasons given above and the meeting was jointly chaired
by our Treasurer Mrs Liz James and me as Membership Secretary. Miss Frances
James as Secretary also attended.
James read out a statement from our Chairman and an extract is below:
David Young gave an account of his recent cruise with his wife on the Fred Olsen ship “MS Braemar”, sister ship of the “MS Balmoral” which has just completed the Titanic journey. The “Braemar” was on the reverse journey across the Atlantic and on the 11th April2012, the centenary anniversary of the first day of Titanic’s fateful voyage, he presented a lecture including power point display on “Nomadic-- Titanic’s Little Sister-- Her Rescue and Restoration”. It was attended by upwards 200 passengers and received a favourable response. Merchandise was also sold to the value of £133.00.
Firstly, to those who have recently donated to the
lifeboat appeal, my heart-felt thanks! In this time of economic uncertainty, it
is difficult to raise funds for anything! But your generosity really is most
appreciated. To those who didn’t donate, I can just imagine David Young standing
before you now with this letter in one hand and a collection tin in the
Financing the restoration of the lifeboat is the
biggest challenge the NPS has undertaken and believe ME, it is no easy task. You
all know that our first HLF application was turned down for educational criteria
shortfall reasons. The NCT have agreed to support our second application by
agreeing to accept the lifeboat for display purposes when a Welcome Centre is
built closeby to Nomadic. Therefore, David Lawrence and I are currently
preparing that 2nd application and we are hopeful of a successful
outcome. Naturally, we will keep you all updated with any news.
Secondly, the NCT have been quote in the region of
£200,000 for a new mast for Nomadic. Whilst they are not asking US to help
financially, they have asked for our assistance in specification and any other
areas we might be able to help with.
To this aim, Nigel Hampson has contacted the
Forestry Commission, asking if they could supply the timber for the mast.
Obviously, he tried the sympathy card first, hoping for a free tree! But to no
avail, as they explained they were not permitted to do so. However, depending
upon size (which was later confirmed) a suitable tree can be purchased for just
£500. This will be augmented by the cost of logistics to the makers of recently
‘turned’ masts for Cutty Sark and HMS Victory. All of this information will
shortly be passed to the NCT.
Nigel & I hope you enjoyed the last edition of
the Crow’s Nest and work is well under way for the next publication.
David Lawrence & I recently exhibited onboard
the cruise ship Marco Polo and we gave a short lecture about Nomadic and her
current status. Many of the passengers were fascinated by her story and although
over 100 of them were keen to visit her during our stop-over in Belfast, sadly
that couldn’t be arranged.
David Young gave an account of his recent cruise with his wife on the Fred Olsen ship “MS Braemar”, sister ship of the “MS Balmoral” which has just completed the Titanic journey. The “Braemar” was on the reverse journey across the Atlantic and on the 11th April2012, the centenary anniversary of the first day of Titanic’s fateful voyage, he presented a lecture including power point display on “Nomadic-- Titanic’s Little Sister-- Her Rescue and Restoration”. It was attended by upwards 200 passengers and received a favourable response. Merchandise was also sold to the value of £133.00.
Thursday 3rd May in Banbridge Co. Down, the Society is giving
another lecture to the Banbridge Historical Society. Here we will sell and
promote Nomadic. We hope that this can
be the way forward to promote Nomadic and raise necessary funds. Members at the
meeting showed interest in getting the lecture and power point from David and
opening up the lecture trail even wider. David Young explained that an outlet,
“Hillmount Nursery”, on the outskirts of Belfast has promised after further
discussions, to grant us an open weekend. This will allow us to lecture,
display, promote and sell our merchandise free of charge. Everything passing
the Nomadic tables including contributions will go completely to Nomadic.
David to follow this up and arrange
mast project was discussed and the Society is continuing investigations into
producing the mast and rigging for the Trust and a greatly reduced cost. This
is ongoing.
Lifeboat was discussed next, and the Membership was advised that although we
had paid £8000.00 up to date, the final bill including VAT would easily pass
£20,000.00. This now became the most important fund raising programme for the
foreseeable future. Personal donations
have been coming in slowly and the Society wishes to gratefully thank all
involved in this, but more is needed and will not be enough to fill the coffers
for this or other projects. It now is essential that we fund raise on a grand
Young and Mrs Liz James told the Membership of things that have been started.
Two or three companies have been approached and we are hopeful of some return
on this venture. The 2nd application to the HLF is underway in
England and must be issued with all urgency and speed.
Young has a meeting next Wednesday 2nd May with Arlene Foster MLA
Minister for DETI Dept. Enterprise Trade and Industry which encompasses
Tourism. The outcome from which, will hopefully open some doors.
on board “Braemar” David and Ruth met with the Corporate Training and
Development Coordinator for Fred Olsen Cruise Lines. He is a long standing
member of the NPS and is now going to approach Fred Olsen and their PR Director
to see if there can be an outlet advanced with the Cruise Line.
Treasurer and Secretary are completing the Gift Aid papers to claim tax relief on
all donations from 2009 and e-Bay is hopefully to be expanded to promote the
sale of merchandise. We do not want added expense from e-bay each time we list
our merchandise.
Website has become a major issue and with the assistance of Mervyn Pritchard,
he has been instructed to go ahead and get it up and improved very quickly. We
are constantly being asked about the site and we need to get under the Titanic
umbrella and earn money for the Nomadic. One Committee member Nigel Hampson has
offered help from another source in England and between them all we would hope
to progress this issue very quickly.
have two items of interest within the Society. One is a Silver plated fruit
dish from the “Olympic”. This had been donated by David Rubin in USA. It was put to the membership that selling it
on may raise needed funds. After much discussion by the membership it was
decided not to sell the dish but offer it for display for rent at possibly the
Titanic Quarter and then keep for our own display on Nomadic. The other is a
1910 photographic print of “Olympic”, again which could have copies made and
sold and the original again offered for display. The Society, now own the
copyright of the print and hopefully something will come from this.
meeting was advised of some of the details of the last Trust meeting attended
by Roy Snowden. The Dept. of Social Development have now handed over the
Nomadic to the Trust who are setting up a management company called a Trading
Arm to run the vessel as a venture to ensure her financial future.
has up to 12 months backing from the DSD before complete severance. The Trust
hope to open the Vessel to the public during the 12th July fortnight
and the Society members want to know for sure and are offering voluntary
support during this period. The committee to keep in touch and progress this
ensuring that the Trust continue to get the Vessel into the public eye.
Membership Secretary, I appeal to you all to keep up your membership as “Now is
the Time” to ensure you are part of her future.
as the committee are small and can only do so much we need each and everyone of
you to look at some way of promoting sponsorship or financial sales of our
merchandise including the book “Belfast’s Child” , available on Amazon. Can you find companies, friends,
acquaintances and speak with them asking for assistance in raising as much as
you can to pay off the Lifeboat and return her to the public as a White Star
Artefact. The Lifeboat is within weeks of completion and although the
workmanship on the finished article is excellent, no-one will see it until our
debts are cleared. We, your committee
are trying every avenue we know of but require your expertise to complete the
venture. The Nomadic’s restoration projects will be continuing into the future
and your “Society Needs You”. Please help in any small way with ideas and
efforts across the UK. Nothing
is too small.
The next meeting will be in August and the AGM will be in November. The Committee will finalise the exact dates with the Chairman and get it out to the membership promptly.
The meeting closed with a general chat and a cup of tea. All those present agreeing that a good open meeting had taken place.
David Young
Contributors: Morag Irving BA (OPEN)., Dip.Lit. e-mail: Tel:01733 345581 Julian Bray NUJ, Equity Tel:01733 345581 BBC No: 10476453 Home isdn 01733 555319 2012 Anniversary RMS Titanic Illustrated Lecture Series and 'all issues' Q&A sessions now available, please enquire for available dates.
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